We generate renewable energy, mainly hydroelectricity, through small-scale plants. Additionally, the protection and management of our watersheds has resulted in the development of agroforestry projects that protect the soil and rivers while providing local families with job opportunities.
We are committed to the environmental conservation, holistic development in general, and the responsible and sustainable use of our natural resources.
The Secacao, Candelaria, and Choloma power stations are located in the municipality of Senahú, in the Guatemalan department of Alta Verapaz, while the Guayacán distributed generation station is located in the municipality of Taxisco, in the department of Santa Rosa.
Values and Code of Ethics
We foster respect towards people, the company, and its surroundings.
We act in honor of our commitments and in a way that reflects what we think and say, promoting professionalism, objectivity, transparency, and justice in our relationships with our clients, providers, coworkers, and neighbors.
We assume and accept the consequences of our actions and the moral obligation to make an effort to reach our company’s objectives in harmony with our environment and society.
We are tirelessly oriented towards the securing of optimal results that contribute to the profitability and continuous improvement of the company and push us to be better people, becoming successful by carefully minding every detail.

Política de calidad
Generar energía eléctrica a través del uso responsable de los recursos naturales renovables, contribuyendo al desarrollo económico, social y ambiental del país; apegándonos al marco legal y estableciendo procesos productivos que garanticen la rentabilidad, calidad y continuidad de nuestras operaciones, buscando la mejora continua y cumpliendo los compromisos adquiridos con nuestros clientes y actores involucrados.
Certificación ISO
A partir del año 2010 realizamos la estructuración, implementación y certificación de nuestro Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, basado en la Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2008, para las Centrales Hidroeléctricas Secacao, Candelaria y Choloma, con el firme propósito de fortalecer nuestra cultura organizacional, desarrollar un proceso de mejora continua en nuestras operaciones y sobrepasar las expectativas de satisfacción de nuestros clientes.
Actualmente, se encuentra en proceso la estructuración e implementación para la certificación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad de nuestra Central Hidroeléctrica Guayacán.

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
GRUPO SECACAO is committed to carrying out its activities correctly and according to the highest legal and ethical standards. Who we are isn’t defined by what we do or by our name; it’s defined by the way we act, the values we represent, and the way in which we relate to our interested parties, society, and the environment in which we live.
Our operations are located mainly in rural areas, within a markedly underdeveloped context characterized by strong poverty indexes that reflect inadequate levels of human development and great deficits in education, health, and infrastructure. The current state of our nation and its rural areas also reflects a high degree of environmental degradation in general, including serious problems related to deforestation, river pollution, and erosion.
Furthermore, we participate in an industry that is globally complex and competitive, one that requires us to apply the best and most advanced engineering and management techniques to not only survive but also stand out in a sector that is increasingly complex.
Our main challenge is to define a management model that allows us to develop our activities as good citizens within our society and environment, under high levels of excellence. With this in mind, we have managed to become a leader and reference point in the national electric power industry, a position we wish to keep and strengthen.
GRUPO SECACAO has developed a strategic management plan, the Strategy for Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, with the goal of developing principles, criteria, and policies that guarantee that our business model, as well as our social and environmental impact, is sustainable and that any negative impacts are minimized and eventually lead to positive effects.
At the heart of this strategy is our Code of Ethics, through which we concretely express our values and principles and establish our methods and obligations.
Thanks to the orientation provided to us by this Code, along with common sense, encouragement, effort, and enthusiasm, we trust that GRUPO SECACAO and every member of our great team will continue to contribute to our successful career while promoting and enjoying a great reputation.
Grupo Secacao is based on the following thirteen policies, which determine and guide our line of work and our social efforts for the benefit of our environment, neighbors, and collaborators.
At Grupo Secacao we’re committed respecting and promoting the human rights of our employees, contractors, and the communities in our sphere of influence. We are aware of the Guatemalan government’s obligation to respect, guarantee, and protect the human rights of all Guatemalans, and we believe in upholding these rights through the joint efforts of our society, businesses, and institutions.
The personal interests of any team member must never influence his or her judgement nor the decisions he or she takes in the company’s name. Grupo Secacao expects all of its collaborators to avoid situations that might lead to a conflict between their personal interests (or those of the third parties closest to them) and those of the company.
As a company, we don’t participate in partisan politics or lobby in favor of any candidate, and we don’t use our facilities and resources for these purposes.
We don’t allow corruption or bribery under any circumstances. No collaborator is allowed to make or receive illicit payments or bribes to/from entities, people, or public or governmental authorities with the intention of ensuring any concession, contract, approval, or advantage, whether for his or her own benefit or that of the company.
Collaborators should immediately denounce any kind of abuse, harassment, or exploitation by any supervisor or coworker to the General Management and/or the Administrative Management.
We seek to make transparency and accuracy overarching values of the company in order to motivate both collaborators and providers to achieve effective communication with the common good in mind.
Collaborators are responsible for managing information with the strictest confidentiality, and they accept the responsibility to handle such information adequately.
Collaborators are committed to participating in activities related to risk reduction and safety at work, as well as to upholding the regulations of our Health and Occupational Safety system.
Collaborators have equal opportunity and are treated with dignity and respect. Decisions related to selecting and hiring staff members are based on their abilities, qualities, capacities, professional experience, and alignment with the Group’s values. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, color, ethnicity, or any other factor unrelated to the aforementioned decision-making criteria.
We believe that renewable power generation projects can have positive economic, social, and environmental impacts if carried out in environmentally responsible ways. We resolve to constantly improve our environmental performance and protect the areas of influence of our operations.
Under the framework of Social Responsibility, we resolve to maintain a commercial relationship with our providers that is characterized by compliance, transparency, mutual benefit, and loyalty when it comes to both time and quality standards. We actively seek local providers, giving most opportunity to the stores and sellers closest to our operations.
Under a “good neighbor” philosophy, we establish and maintain permanent relations with our neighbors in order to build ties of trust, and we work together on development projects that improve the lives of the people and their communities.
We generate electric energy and agroforestry products through the responsible use of renewable natural resources. We manage risks in order to strengthen financial management and focus on operational excellence, promoting and fostering commitment to corporate citizenship in an effort to guarantee the profitability, quality, and continuity of our operations. Upholding our legal framework, we contribute to the sustainable, economic, social, and environmental development of the country through constant improvement and by complying with the commitments we acquire through our clients and interest groups.